Thursday, October 18, 2012

Nation's Capitol

We were on vacation for ten days and, although we've been back for four days, I'm still trying to catch up.  But here are a few pictures from Washington, DC.  This is the first time I've been to our nation's capital.  Three days were not nearly enough to see and do all that we wanted to, but it was certainly all my feet could manage!  I really enjoyed taking night shots, but most of them weren't the best, since I didn't have a tripod with me.  The capitol building with the reflecting pond is one of my favoritesl
This is the least blurry of my Iwo Jima shots, but from here it looks like real Marines, not a statue.
 Ahhh, the Washington Monument with the Capitol building in the background.
 And most everyone's favorite, the Lincoln Memorial.
The Korean War Memorial.  
 We had an awesome tour of the Capital, made possible by our Congresswoman!  Here are all four of us, not acting tired at all!
And here's my husband right after the tour.  I think he needed a nap.
We made some wonderful memories, but it's great to be back home.


  1. Gorgeous pics Kate! I love your eye for photos. Did you know the statue of Lincoln in the memorial has his hands portraying his initials in sign language? The left hand is an A, the right hand an L. (I'm a walking store of unrelated and unuseful information...) The Deaf culture (notice the capital D) is very proud of that fact. anyway, good stuff - my fave is the Capitol building at night. Beeeuuuutiful!

  2. Mom! You're pictures are beautiful. I can't wait to see more. My favorite ones here are the one of the Korean War Memorial (LOVE the tree in front of it, very cool perspective) and the first one of the capitol building. =)

    I hope you're finally finding time to catch up at home after vacation

    Love you <3


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