Friday, May 7, 2010

Rain Garden -- oh dear!

This is part of what has been taking up hours and hours of my time lately -- and I can't believe how awful it looks!  Last week I attended a workshop about using native prairie plants in our yards here in Illinois to create sustainable gardens.  I got really excited about the possibilities, and a little too zealous!  Since we have a spot in our yard where the ground stays really spongy and it's hard to mow, the speaker talked about creating a "rain garden" with native wet-loving plants to create a natural habitat for butterflies and other critters.  So I worked and worked to rip out the grass (our soil is clay, so it wasn't easy).  Then last night, just before it got too dark to see, I got all the plants in, and it looked pretty good. 

Well, I planted a rain garden, and God sent rain!  And it's supposed to rain all week-end. I'm sure the neighbors, with their nicely manicured lawns are wondering what is going on in our yard . . .

Maybe next week I'll spend more time in my studio trying to create beauty!  My purple thumb is showing its true colors.

1 comment:

  1. Be patient ... the plants will eventually cover the mud and you'll have your own mini-prairie. In the meantime, however, it does reinforce your purple thumb belief quite nicely.

    Moo ... not Mow!



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